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Unit 1: Recorder Power!

Let's start knowing a little more abour our brand new little friend: The recorder!! Click the button to know more about this.


Unit 2: Wind Instruments

Another instrument family! Let's discover how these instruments sound. Click the button to know more about this.

Unit 3: Classical music

Perhaps the most beautiful music in history, or perhaps the most famous... Let's discover more about this music and the classical composers. Click the button to know more about it!


Unit 4: Tempo! Tempo!

Fast or Slow? Sometimes, you can find the information on the score. Let's learn more!! Click the button to know more about it!

Unit 5: Move your body! African music!!

Africa is a very beautiful continent, with a lot of different music and culture. Click the button to know more about it!

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Unit 6: Counting music. Step in time!

Let's learn how to measure music. It's not so hard, and we will need it to create music and dances. Click the button to know more about it!!

3rd Grade

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